My last post commented on the problem of wax moths vs. hive beetles. I have since concluded that I had a wax moth problem. The problem was concentrated in the hive top feeder - where I would find TONS of little worm-like larvae. To treat this problem I removed the feeder, cleaned it, and stuck it in the freezer for a few days to kill any of the little suckers that may have been hiding. This appears to have worked. I have not seen any additional larvae problems. A few adult moths have been spotted in the pest tray. However, the fact that I have a weak hive is clear. I'm not confident I have solved the problem entirely - but pleased for the moment with the improvement.
Next issue: After I feed, I notice a lot of excited activity outside the hive. I have put on my robber screen - but I still see a lot of activity. It looks something like this:

At first I thought they were just happy bees. After further research, I am concerned that after I feed, my weak colony is being robbed. I have on the robber screen - what else can I do to protect against robbing? I have no confidence that these ladies are going to survive the winter...and it's only July. Think positively.... Frankly, I think the nuc I got was a dud. I know that everyone in class is opposed to package bees - but my packaged Italian bees last year from Georgia were far more robust than the local nuc of Carniolans I purchased this year. I also do not think the queen I purchased this year was a strong queen. The productivity of these bees has just been far worse than last year, and they had the advantage of pre-drawn comb. Of course, there may have been a few was moths to deal which is a factor to consider. Unfortunately, assuming I have to go back to the drawing board next year, I will again be purchasing package bees with a marked queen.